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Congratulations to the company for winning the 2016 Science and Technology Progress Award
發布時間:2018-10-27 關鍵詞: 信息來源:強保公司

Awards site

Recently, our company independently researched and developed "a tire self-repairing agent and its preparation method", and won the second prize of the 2016 Chaozhou Chaoan District Science and Technology Progress Award. On March 1, 2017, the relevant leaders of the Chaoan District Government of Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province awarded this honor to Mr. Zhuang Hanming, the main person in charge of our company.

2016 Chaozhou Chaoan District Science and Technology Progress Award Second Prize

The honor is based on: "a self-repairing agent and its preparation method" invention patent (invention patent number: 201310493057.5), under the leadership of the inventor and founder of the company, Mr. Zhuang Hanming, with "independent innovation, key leapfrog, support development, leading The principle of the future, won the new achievements of scientific research and development commended by the district government.

The technology formula is advanced and efficient, and the product series is complete. It is in a leading position among similar products in China. It has the advantages of strong filling hole, no corrosion of rims, no side effects on tires, etc. It is deeply loved by the domestic and international tire auto parts market, and has become an essential item for the majority of car owners to travel daily.

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